Hi, my name is Helene Palmer and after taking care of my mom for 13 years as her caregiver, I found myself thrust into the real world of job searches after she passed away. In addition to the challenges of taking care of her, I developed several autoimmune illnesses that had made my life a living hell.
I started to feast on a plethora of motivational books that were given to me. They were a Godsend, as they took me back out of my dark funk. I started to see light again and best of all, I started believing in myself again.
I definitely feel the change in mindset has saved my life from becoming an episode of mediocrity and turned it into a journey of hope, optimism and passion.
After reviewing my options, I recognized that pursuing Internet Marketing as my career would make the most sense. I could pace myself, work hard and long hours or take it a little more casual, depending on how my health was doing. Plus, I could remain in the home I shared with my mom for years.
After trying several different forms of affiliate marketing, I have decided to refresh my talent of writing and develop a line of PLR, to include articles and lead magnet reports. I look forward to sharing my talent with you and providing you with quality content that you will be proud to rebrand and implement.
My goal is to provide monthly PLR packages and share free gifts for my subscribers and clients.
I hope you enjoy the ride, I know I will.